Ratonga Papori | Social Services

Our Social Services enable us at Te Hau Ora O Ngāpuhi to provide our whānau, particularly our pēpi, tamariki and taitamariki, with the support they need to safeguard and protect the welfare of the whānau. Guided by tikanga and kaupapa Māori, we take a holistic and inclusive approach to protecting and maintaining the wellbeing of our whānau and tamariki, supporting them in their journey to building a prosperous future.

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More detail on the services available

Have questions? We're here to help.

Break-away Holiday Programme (BHP)

Family Start

Financial Mentoring

Transitioning to Adulthood

Whānau in Care

Whānau Ora

Whānau Resilience

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Further about this service

We understand the importance of recognising when whānau might need support and provide services that allow our whānau to feel better prepared as they transition through the different stages of their lives, providing wrap around services to empower them to achieve their aspirations.

Our services and initiatives work to:

  • Protect and safeguard our whānau
  • Empower our whānau to create and/or maintain healthy, safe and prosperous home environments
  • Enable whānau to participate fully in society
  • Support and encourage whānau to be kaitiaki of their own wellbeing
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